Full-stack web developer building control and integration systems for the core positioning platform.
Researching the current usability of Quantum Computing to hard optimization problems.
Developed a web system to process, store and display water depth data from a variety of sources and formats. Responsible for the whole stack; Linux administration, database design, web framework, map system and front end.
Led a 2-person team to develop a complex website using Django backed by a custom PostgreSQL DB for storing bathymetric data.
Managed the server, the firewall, permissions etc. In addition, familiarized other students with aspects of the system.
Developed a JS library to analyze generic CSV data. Continued to develop and test other minor features of the system.
Completed an honours bachelors of Computer. My favourite courses were Computer Vision and Advanced Data Structures.
A summer internship working for the Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation, a foundation that raises funds to support programs and services needed by the Louis Brier Home & Hospital and Weinberg Residence, a Jewish resident care home located in Vancouver, BC.
Co-piloted a bunk of 10 rambunctious pre-teens for the summer at Camp Moshava Ennismore, a Jewish Summer Camp located outside of Ennismore, Ontario.