After learning a little bit of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in high-school and university, I wanted to hone my skills and get some experience using some newer web technologies.
I started out using only vanilla jQuery and SASS, but after spending a considerable amount of time working on this cool nav-bar (please excuse the color scheme), I asked myself "Was that really worth it?" and switched to Bootstrap.
With Bootstrap it takes about 2 minutes to make the nav-bar at the top of this page which works across browsers and has mobile support. So that definitely sped things up.
After that it was pretty smooth sailing, all that was required was time. Time for going through Bootstrap's documentation, time for fiddling with the CSS, etc.
2019 Update
I was tired of all the copy and pasted code in HTML so I started using Nunjucks, a JS templating engine and Gulp to spit out the static site. This has reduced the LOC signifcantly and has made it fun to update the website again.